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This site follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. The content is divided into two sections:
1. 上方功能區塊、2. 中央內容區塊
1. Navigation bar 2. Main content area
The Accesskeys used by this site are designated as follows:
Alt+U: Navigation bar
Alt+C: Main content area
如果您的瀏覽器是Firefox,快速鍵的使用方法是 Shift+Alt+(快速鍵字母),例如 Shift+Alt+C會跳至網頁中央區塊,以此類推。
If you are using Mozilla Firefox, the Accesskeys are Shift+Alt+letter. For example, Shift+Alt+C will direct you to the main content area.
When encountering unclickable labels while browsing the site, you can use the following keys to continue:
← → or ↑↓:按左右鍵或上下鍵移動標籤順序。
← → or ↑↓: Press the Left, Right, Up, or Down keys to navigate around the label.
Home or End→:可直接跳至標籤第一項或者最後一項。
Home or End→:Move to the first or last label.
Tab:停留於該標籤後,可利用Tab鍵跳至內容瀏覽該筆資料,遇到radio按鈕時請配合使← → or↑↓鍵移動項目順序。
Tab: Press Tab to move to the next item in a label. Use the ←, →, ↑, or ↓ keys to navigate around the labels when encountering a radio button.
Tab + Shift:按Tab + Shift可往回跳至上一筆資料;當跳回至標籤項目時您可繼續利用← → or↑↓鍵移動標籤順序。
Tab+Shift: Press Tab+Shift to move back to the previous item. Use the ←, →, ↑, or ↓ keys to navigate around the labels
--9-1.2023 Winners And Honorable Mentions
--9-2.2022 Winners And Honorable Mentions